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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Fifa 12 Patch Ideas

Hi guys,

For the record FIFA 12 is yet another impressive release in what as become a consistently improving game in the last few years. Equally consistent are some of the games more annoying quirks.

Below are a list of a few things that annoy me & that I believe, with my very limited knowledge of the technology involved, could be resolved via a patch. Please offer your own thoughts but try to keep to ideas that could be revised via a patch as opposed to brand new features.

In no particular order:-

1.) LACK OF FOULS - I play many games without a single booking. The CPU hardly commits anything. In about 25 games (6 minute halves) I could list the number of free kicks I've had awarded to me on both hands!

2.) CPU TEAM MANAGEMENT - I don't know if this issue exists in Career Mode, as I play the multi-player single season modes. In this mode the CPU does not manage their team properly. If a player goes out through injury/suspension the CPU does not put them back in the starting line-up when they are available again, even if they are their star player.

3.) REPLAYS - Considering some of the impressive broadcast replay sequences we see in many games, FIFA continues to be poor here. A goal should justify more than one automatic replay. Also the logic engine that determines which replays should show at Half Time & Full Time is off, often showing shots to nothing whilst failing to replay an exciting goal mouth incident.

4.) CPU STRATEGY - I'm actually finding this slightly worse than last year. The CPU does not notably change it's play style irrespective of the game situation. When behind in a game on FIFA 11 the CPU would push forward much more aggressively but this year I notice little or no difference in it's strategy. And when CPU has the ball and you are trying to get it, the CPU player takes the ball till its goal keeper without passing the ball.

There are other ideas that I would like to see for the game but the above are things that I believe can be rectified via a patch.

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